Feast Days

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton says: “Look up!”

As we enter the new year and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Feast Day is on January 4, let us reflect on some beautiful quotes from her writings.

Celebration Ideas for the Feast Day of Saint Vincent de Paul

Join thousands of Vincentians across the globe on September 27 in celebrating St Vincent and over 400 years of active charitable works by the Vincentian Family.

Vincentian Feast Days This Week

August 30 is the Feast Day of Blessed Ghebre-Michael, and September 2 is the memorial of the Congregation of the Mission’s Martyrs of the French Revolution.

Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla (1861-1936), Member of Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, martyr, patron saint of Romani people.