
Announcement of the Famvin Homeless Alliance

London, July 16, 2017 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Vincentian Family, On June 28, the European Parliament hosted a celebration to mark the 400th Anniversary of the birth of the Vincentian charism.  One of the speakers at this event was a Daughter of Charity from...

Speech of Mr. Peterle at the 400th Anniversary Event in the European Parliament

Lojze Peterle was born in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, formerly part of Yugoslavia, on June 29, 1948. He is the first politician to hold the position of Prime Minister of Slovenia. He is a Member of the European Parliament: Distinguished Mr. Tomaz Mavrič,...

U.S. St. Vincent de Paul Society Videos

Enjoy a few videos that were recently posted to our YouTube channel: First a video celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council of the United States (SVDP USA). Music: "The Door is Open" : Hymn for...

400th Anniversary Prayer in Four Languages

“Lord, revive within the Vincentian Family the flame of the Charism, that flame which has animated our missionary life for 400 years.” Here is the 400th-anniversary prayer if you have not seen it yet. The prayer is available in four languages: English, Portuguese,...
A Vincentian Twitter Chat #famvin400

A Vincentian Twitter Chat #famvin400

You see the hashtag on Twitter every week: #famvin400. This tag can be used for a Twitter chat, one of the best examples of community building on Twitter. The topic of the chat: What are people saying about the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian charism? As we...

The Things They Carry

The Things They Carry

At some point in your life, you have probably been asked the question, "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?" Now, imagine it is not a desert island and it is only one thing. And that one thing is what helps carry you...

Neighbors on the Border

Neighbors on the Border

I have heard the story of the Good Samaritan countless times: I remember reading it in my Children’s bible with illustrated pictures, seeing the parable come to life in skits and reenactments during retreats, and hearing homilies on the many messages contained in this...