
Shadow side of the Vincentian Charism

The "shadow side" refers to an area where little light falls. It is often used to refer to aspects of ourselves which we often are not aware of or reflect on. Fr. John Prager, CM on the difficulties many serving those who live on the margins face but rarely reflect...

Saturday Study Hall – “Wake up the World”

he challenge from Pope Francis is clear.  "WAKE UP THE WORLD" “The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, acting, living! (Show) it’s possible to live differently in this world.” "A charism needs to be “lived...

Saturday Study Hall – Vincent embodies the Good Samaritan

Can you picture Vincent walking along the road to Paris?   It was a relatively well traveled road with priests and officials. In your minds eye watch Vincent as he sees a victim of robbers lying by the wayside. Watch him as he approaches and sees, becomes moved by...

Saturday Study Hall – “Change your way of thinking”

"Change your way of thinking!" I was really struck the first time I realized that the root meaning of "metanoia" or "repent" was "change your way of thinking". Since then every Lent I try to look at what needs to change in my way of thinking about what God is asking...

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