Colorado Vincentian Volunteers

Pardon Your Servant

“Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else,” (Exodus 4:13). Moses’s words at the burning bush have always resonated with me, in younger years before I appreciated the audacity of his request, I was struck by his humility and humanity. Moreover, I was...

Raise Young Vincentians

Whenever we attend any Vincentian Family Gatherings, Matt and I always introduce our children (who are ages 3 and 1) as the littlest Vincentians of the Family. While we constantly have the “raise little Vincentians” voice in the backs of our heads, I wonder, do all...

Going Corporate and Volunteering: Vincentians of Wherever

Going corporate and volunteering: they are not mutually exclusive! Corporate America gets a pretty bad rap. Images of stifling your personality and will to live in a cubicle prevail and are especially repulsive to the full-time volunteer. And while I won’t deny that...

Neighbors on the Border

I have heard the story of the Good Samaritan countless times: I remember reading it in my Children’s bible with illustrated pictures, seeing the parable come to life in skits and reenactments during retreats, and hearing homilies on the many messages contained in this...

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