CIF-Centre International de Formation

Third CIF Meeting for the Vincentian Family

Dear lay people, sisters, priests and brothers who live the Vincentian charism: The Grace and Peace of our Lord be always with us! It is always a pleasure to get in touch with you Let me start this letter with an answer to the following question: What is the...

International Center of Formation (CIF) Offers Session for the Vincentian Family

Dear members of the Vincentian Family May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us always! We all now understand the importance of the Vincentian Family for our branches and organizations. One expression of this is that it has become a priority for the recent...

Nigerian Perspective on the Ongoing Formation Program

September 9 – November 4, 2016 I am Fr. Ambrose Esigbemi Umetietie, CM from the province of Nigeria. After my ordination in August 2013, I was sent to Chad International Mission. However, I had to spend about five months in Cameroon to learn French before resuming my...

Participants as greatest resource for CIF formation program

Sr. Valentyna Riabushko, Congregation of the Charity Sisters of St. Vincent, Greek Catholic rite, describes the participants as greatest resource for CIF formation program.The significant aspect about this year's program was that for the first time ever it was open to...

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