
The Sons of St. Vincent de Paul Speak to the People and the Leaders of Chile

In light of the recent violence in Chile, the members of the Congregation of the Mission, ministering in that country, want to share with you the following statement.

In defense of the victims of the dictatorship in Chile: A Vincentian Missionary

One of our missionaries, who in his youth was among the victims of the repressive and penal methods of the dictatorship, addressed an open letter.

The Superior General in the Province of Chile and in the Mission of Patagonia

After an eventful departure from the airport in Santiago – which, in these days, due to the expansion works at the air terminal, presents serious difficulties for the arrival and departure of vehicles that transport passengers, – the Superior General, Father Tomaž...

Folleville–Châtillon Experience in Punta de Tralca (Chile)

Encounter of young educators and leaders of the Vincentian Educational Centers of Chile, to live the formative experience centered on the events of Folleville and Châtillon. The Vincentian Family has been invited to celebrate the 400th aniversary of the Charism, as a...

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