
Does charity choke justice? On the Limits of Charity (part 1)

Does charity choke justice – Limits of Charity – David Hilfiker, a veteran of decades of direct service with the poor, raised questions 15 years ago that are still relevant today .


“Those on top, like politicians and church leaders, talk a lot about peace, but not about justice, because speaking of peace sounds good to others on top and to the naïve on the bottom, but to speak of justice sounds bad to those on top because it opens the eyes of...

Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’

Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’ – Echoing sentiments Vincent de Paul would express, Pope Francis spoke passionately on behalf of the more than 800 million hungry people in the world today

Sisters of Charity of Immaculate Conception celebrate 160 years

Sisters of Charity of Immaculate Conception celebrate 160 years

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