
A Canadian View: A More Just World

As a Canadian and close neighbour to our Americans friends, we are always interested in what is happening in the USA.

A Canadian View: A Ray of Hope for All 

November 15th is the World Day of the Poor. Let us all reflect on how we use this day as a new beginning, with the ray of hope we have been waiting for and forget our differences and come together as one family.

A Canadian View: The Times They Are A-Changing

When I hear or read the lyrics to this song I recall the words of Frederic Ozanam in Paris of the 1830’s when he warned us about the growing gap between those with so much and those with so little.

A Canadian View: An Indigenous Vision for All – Crazy Horse

I’m sure many of us have heard of the great Sioux warrior, Crazy Horse who took part in the infamous Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876 where Gen. Custer was defeated and killed. I’d like to tell you more about Crazy Horse.

A Canadian View: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Part Four

A Canadian View: Change is NOT Always Good!

I live in the province of Ontario, here in Canada. We recently held a provincial election for the office of premier (equivalent to a governor in the USA). For various reasons this election saw a shift to the conservative side and ended in the election of Doug Ford as...

A Canadian View: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Part Four

A Canadian View: Poverty and Human Dignity

The first Principle of Catholic Social Teaching is the Principle of Human Dignity which states that Every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and therefore is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. The...

A Canadian View: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Part Four

A Canadian View: Migrant Workers in Canada

In Canada we use a fair number of migrant workers in the agricultural field. The federal government offers a  temporary seasonal worker program for this need. Many of these workers come from Mexico and other central America countries, as well as Jamaica. While in...

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Joanne O’Regan met her first ‘Martha’ in the late 1990s. “I remember thinking, ‘I like the way they are in the world,’” she said Wednesday of her first impression of the Antigonish-based Sisters of St. Martha. Though raised a Roman Catholic in Toronto, O’Regan hadn’t...