A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Fill Up All Those Who Are Hungry

Jesus, like his Father, is attentive to our needs.  He does not fail to fill up those of us who hunger for what we lack. Those who were dying of hunger in the desert did not have to return to Egypt to fill up themselves.  For the one who had brought them out of...

Attend to Others according to Their Needs

Jesus is David’s just shoot and his name is “The-Lord-our-justice.”  As King and Messiah, then, he cannot but attend to all the people with justice and mercy.  Through him, we can go near the Father in one Spirit. To attend to his sent ones who now come back from...

Sent Ones, Men and Women, of Jesus

As the Father sends him, so Jesus sends his disciples.  These sent ones carry out what their Teacher tells them to do.  By the sheer grace and will of God through Christ, the apostles preach, cast out many demons, and heal the sick. For they do not do so on their own;...

Break the Mold with the Prophet Jesus

Jesus, since he is weak, is strong. Those who follow him break the mold, too, as they affirm, “When we are weak, then we are strong.” The folks of Jesus’ hometown do not doubt that he is a wise teacher who does mighty works. Yet there is one thing about him that...

Inventive to infinity

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 17, 2014 – Is 56, 1. 6-7; Rom 11, 13-15. 29-32; Mt 15, 21-28 Rejection leading to reconciliation (Rom 11, 15) Even a terrible situation serves the purposes of God, who wants us to be optimistic and inventive too. The...

Harrowing of hell

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 10, 2014 – 1 Kgs 19, 9a. 11-13a; Rom 9, 1-5; Mt 14, 22-33 Accursed for the sake of my own people (Rom 9, 3) God makes use of both the storm and the calm. What is important, regardless of the means used, is to get to know...

Where nobody is a throw-away

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 3, 2014 – Is 55, 1-3; Rom 8, 35. 37-39; Mt 14, 13-21 The love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 8, 39) Jesus sets a table before us in the sight of our foes. He wants us to have our fill of God’s goodness, to know more...

Church treasure recovered!

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 27, 2014 – 1 Kgs 3, 5. 7-12; Rom 8, 28-30; Mt 13, 44-52 To be conformed to the image of his Son (Rom 8, 29) The wisest and most intelligent thing we can do is to seek the kingdom of God. That is because this kingdom...

More caught than taught

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 20, 2014 – Wis 12, 13. 16-19; Rom 8, 26-27; Mt 13, 24-43 The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness (Rom 8, 26) The perfection of God is the source of his disinterested generosity, his lenient patience and his sharp vision....

External seminary

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 13, 2014 – Is 55, 10-11; Rom 8, 18-23; Mt 13, 1-23 As we wait for redemption (Rom 8, 23) Jesus is the divine Word. Attuned to him and remaining in him, we will bear much fruit. God spoke through the prophets. He now speaks...


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), July 6, 2014 – Zech 9, 9-10; Rom 8, 9. 11-13; Mt 11, 25-30 Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him (Rom 8, 9) We are invited to a relaxing and renewing life together. And we can approach without...

Right on target?

Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 – Acts 12, 1-11; 2 Tim 4, 6-8. 17-18; Mt 16, 13-19 To him be glory forever and ever! (2 Tim 4, 18) We get it right if we confess that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. But just like the one who got it right first, we...

Depoliticizing “E pluribus unum”

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (A), June 22, 2014 – Dt 8, 2-3. 14b-16a; 1 Cor 10, 16-17; Jn 6, 51-58 The loaf of bread is one, so we are one body (1 Cor 10, 17) God feeds us while we pilgrims march through the desert toward the lasting city. Unless we are...