A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Hosannas that Cry Out for Sense and Truthfulness

Jesus is the awaited Messiah from king David’s lineage.  That is why, as he enters Jerusalem, the crowds cheer him with hosannas. Jesus does not turn down the hosannas of the crowds, which shows that he is quite aware that he is the Messiah.  He shows no inferiority...

Enlighten and Glorify Men and Women

Jesus has come to enlighten the Gentiles and to give glory to Israel (Lk 2, 32).  Hence, he cannot but draw all to himself. Scholars say that the accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke show Jesus as the Suffering Servant. In John, on the other hand, Jesus is kingly and...

Crucified Jesus: Despair and Hope; Death and Life

Jesus, crucified for the wicked is the best proof that God loves us (Rom 5, 8).  It is enough for us to gaze on him to believe and live forever. It seems odd to me that the serpent that brings death is the sign of healing (Num 21, 4-9).  But Jesus goes along with the...

Hallow, Honor the Temple of the Lord

Jesus is the final temple that we must hallow.  For through him, God is in the midst of the people in the best way that no one can surpass. Zeal for God’s house gets the better of Jesus.  That is why he is mad at the merchants and money changers in the temple area. ...
Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Awesome and Alluring Blessing

Jesus is our only Savior, and he saves in an awesome and alluring way.  He will bless us when as priests through our baptism, we invoke his name upon one another. There is no other name by which salvation comes to us but the name of Jesus.  And since he is our all...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Light for our Path Is the Word of God

The creative and sustaining Word, made flesh and dwelling among us, is the true light that enlightens everyone. The comforting oracle through prophet Isaiah comes to fulfillment with the coming of Jesus.  In him, too, the great light that people walking in...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Presence of the Mighty God among Us

Jesus, our Savior, is the presence of God among us.  Are we Christians the presence of Jesus in the world? The name of the Messiah, of the Lord’s Anointed, is Jesus.  His name shows that his mission is to save his people from their sins.  Hence, his presence means...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Darkness and Black Clouds that Are Menacing

Jesus is the great light that shines on those who dwell in darkness. John is “under pressure.”  Although relatively young, he feels death is lurking in the darkness.  The executioner can come any time to take the prisoner away. And the darkness of prison and impending...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Voice Demanding Justice, Mercy and Peace

The voice of Jesus is an invitation to the kingdom of God.   And the voice of the disciples should be but an echo of their Teacher’s voice. The Forerunner considers himself as a voice shouting out the same message that the one he precedes will also preach: Repent, for...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Coming Soon for Us to Watch, Now Showing

The Son of Man comes and he does not want his coming to catch us unprepared. We do not know when our Lord is coming.  That is why we have to be continually watchful and always prepared. Yes, Jesus wants us to focus on his coming.  Of course, this would be hard for us...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

King Unlike All Other Kings Undoubtedly

Jesus is King!  How do we react to this proclamation? As an assembly, the elders of the people, the chief priests and the scribes bring Jesus before Pilate.  After hearing the charges, the Roman prefect asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews.  Jesus answers him,...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Perseverance in Seeking the Kingdom

Jesus is the sublime example of the person who attains salvation through perseverance in fostering the kingdom of  God. Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you besides.”  But he does not only preach;...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Resurrection Giving Encouragement and Hope

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  That is why we should not lose hope. Some Sadducees try to show that, in view of levirate marriage, belief in the resurrection is absurd.  In rebuttal, Jesus unmasks their lack of logic and their ignorance. First, he rejects...