A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Traditions, Customs, and Habits

Jesus makes all things new.  Hence, he questions traditions and customs, most of all, those that veil his true face. Jesus and his disciples are at a wedding.  There too is his mother.  And the wedding, no doubt, follows the traditions and customs of the Jews. But as...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Jesus is the one the Father has anointed with the Holy Spirit.  Hence, he cannot but baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, and do good.  The baptized are to do the same. John the Baptist is simple and humble.  He does not want to let down those he has baptized or...

Manifestations, Revelations, Apparitions

Jesus is the best and the fullest of God’s manifestations to us humans.  It is enough to see and know him to see and know God. The word “epiphany” comes Greek and means “manifestation,” “revelation,” “apparition.”  And there are manifestations and manifestations. ...

Claims that Are Sacrilegious and Outrageous

Jesus is our Savior.  He saves us from sin and frees us from those with sacrilegious claims.  And he gives us his Holy Name. Jesus is born in Bethlehem.  And shepherds visit him, the ones that we deem the least to make claims to greatness.  But God makes known to them...
Lowliness, Simplicity, Truth and Freedom

Good News of Jesus in a World of Bad News

Jesus embodies the Good News that he brings to those who live in a world of bad news.  He expects Christians to do likewise Sadly, women, children and those with disabilities often do not count.  But the good news is that Jesus protects women against heartless and...

Lowliness, Simplicity, Truth and Freedom

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Jesus teaches that the first and the greatest of all the commandments is to love God and the neighbor.  The Teacher practices, moreover, what he teaches. According to Jewish teaching, there are 613 commandments.  Of these, 365 are prohibitions and 248 are positive...

Lowliness, Simplicity, Truth and Freedom

Enthusiasm to Serve to the Bitter End

Jesus is the model of determined and enthusiastic service.  His true followers also serve to the end with determination and enthusiasm. One can rebuke Zebedee’s sons for not understanding and for being ambitious.  But we cannot accuse them of unwillingness, indecision...