A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Lowliness, Simplicity, Truth and Freedom

Jesus is the poorest of the poor on whom God looks with favor due to the simplicity, lowliness and awe of him that they show. Does it bother Jesus that his fellow guests, leading Pharisees, and maybe the host, too, watch him closely?  If he shows that it does, it may...

Meal of Salvation, Meal of Judgment

Jesus is the meal to which we are all invited, so that we may not perish but have eternal life.  Do we come to it wearing the proper attire? To enter God’s kingdom, it is not enough to be in a meal with Jesus, once, twice or more.  He says so as he answers one who...

Burn with Zeal for the Kingdom of God

Jesus cannot but burn with zeal for God’s kingdom.  For he has come to proclaim it, to bring it in, and to bring it about to the full. In many places, trees, houses and other things burn in fires.  We are sorry, of course, for the deaths, losses and harm that fires...

Alert to the Dangers the World Poses

Jesus is the cry that seek to alert us of the risks that we run.  For we live in a world that fosters individualism and hoarding. Not a few of Jesus’ teachings, the paradoxes in particular, raise eyebrows and puzzle.  Through them, he holds those who hear him...
True to His Mission until Death

True to His Mission until Death

Jesus is the one whom God has sent to bring the Good News to the poor. He endures the cross to stay true to his mission. And he wants us to be like him. Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowds. They hail him “the Son of David.” They welcome him as the true...

True to His Mission until Death

Merciful to the Utmost and Lifegiving

Jesus is merciful as his Father is merciful. That is why he weeps with us who face death. And he surrenders to it to bring us life to the full. Jesus hears that his friend Lazarus is ill. And right away, he shows that he stays on top of things. So, he is in no hurry...

True to His Mission until Death

Look at People as Jesus Looks at Them

Jesus looks at people as the One who has sent him looks at them. If we look as he does, we shall have the light of life and do good works. Jesus and his followers do not look at the man blind from birth in the same way. On the one hand, the disciples take blindness as...

True to His Mission until Death

Heed Everything that Jesus Tells Us

Jesus speaks with us and tells us everything. He fills those who, hungry and thirsty for a full life, heed everything that he tells them. The Samaritan woman does not expect Jesus to ask her for a drink or heed her words. But Jesus does both. For he does not look down...

True to His Mission until Death

Touch and Lift Up Those Who Are Afraid

Jesus is close to those who are afraid. So, he can readily touch them to set them free from all their fears and worries. Jesus takes with him Peter, James and John to go to a high mountain by themselves. And it is not that their works touch or move him to choose them....

True to His Mission until Death

Communion among Ourselves and with Others

Jesus does not look out for his interests, but for those of others. To follow him we need to be in communion among ourselves and with others. The devil seeks to break up Jesus’ communion with others. For what he is after is for Jesus to turn his back on his calling...

True to His Mission until Death

Overflowing and Unfathomable Fullness

Jesus Christ embodies the overflowing fullness of God. He eagerly wishes to share with us this fullness. Jesus goes on showing what to fulfill the commandments and go beyond the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees means. He wants to see in us overflowing...

True to His Mission until Death

Brothers and Sisters to One Another

Jesus, giving his body up and pouring out his blood for us, shows us the love God has for us (1 Jn 3, 16; Rom 5, 8). So, we also ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. Benedict cannot believe it when his sister, Scholastica, asks him to stay with...

True to His Mission until Death

Meaning and Quality of Human Life

Jesus is the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He gives meaning to our lives. And he wants his followers to be and do the same. Seeing the crowds, Jesus pities them because they are troubled and left behind, like sheep without a shepherd (Mt 9, 36). There...