A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Contemplate the Baby Lying in the Manger

Jesus is the Savior, Messiah and Lord.  To know and accept him, we first have to contemplate the baby lying in the manger. One can take it, for sure, that the shepherds cannot bear contemplate the very bright light that shine around them.  For great fear strikes them....

Justify Those Who Are Not Wholly Just

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  This name makes known that the one who alone is holy is with us who are not holy; he wants to justify us. The angel of Joseph’s dream seems to justify Mary, to show her not guilty, to say that she has been true to him.  But there are those who...

Announce the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is God’s Anointed and Sent One to announce the Good News to the poor.  To belong to God and to Jesus is to belong to the poor. John the Baptist seems to go into crisis, and his whole group with him.  For what he hears in prison about Jesus does not sound...

Fix our Gaze on our Lord Jesus

After putting up with the shameful cross, Jesus has been lifted up to the highest place.  To fix our eyes on him means not to lose heart. A new year starts in the Church, but she asks us to fix our gaze on the end.  It tells us, “Eyes on the prize.”   It is the...
Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Jesus is the Christ.  To know him so makes us acknowledge that we are not worthy of him and spares us, too, of all disappointment. Those who come from Jerusalem do not receive John’s baptism; they are there to grill him and judge him.  The priests and the Levites...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the beginning and the end, and the source and the summit of the Good News.  That is why we point to him by our words and deeds. Mark presents the beginning of the Good News.  But right away he speaks of Isaiah and John.  The last fulfills the prophecy about a...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Watch, Stay Awake, for Jesus Is Coming

Jesus is coming, but we do not know when.  So, we have to watch. It seems odd that we are to look to the end at the beginning of the liturgical year.  For we are urged to watch and wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.  He will come, yes, but we do not know...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Judge the Blessed and the Accursed

Christ the King is not one to judge by the way we look.  And on the last day, his teachings, by words and deeds, will be our judge. The Church has been urging us, for two Sundays now, to watch and be ready for the coming of Jesus in glory.  And today the teaching is...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Ability to Hasten the Coming of the Lord

Jesus shares with us his anointing and mission to bring the Good News to the poor.  He gives tasks to each one according to one’s ability. By the grace of God, we have the ability to believe in Jesus.  But when he comes after a long time, will he find faith on earth?...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Jesus Christ will come at an hour that we do not expect.  That is why we must be ready and be among the bright, not among the dull. Four Sundays ago, we heard that among God’s guests were bad and good folks.  Today we hear that the bright and the dull make up those...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Happy and Glad Followers of Jesus

Jesus shows us by words and deeds what true happiness is.  That is because he wants us to be happy and glad to the fullest. Jesus proclaims happy the wretched in the eyes of the world.  That is to say, he breaks the mold:  he announces a counterculture; he fosters...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Deeds, Indeed, and Not Just Words

Jesus embodies the truth that good deeds are love and not good words and reasons.  Do we really live up to this truth? We are often encouraged to love God (SV.EN XI:32).  “But let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.”  That is to say, love...

Disappointment Due to Our Biases

Trap Is All It Is, There Is No Doubt

Jesus probes the heart and searches the mind.  That is why those who seek to catch him and set a trap for him fall into it themselves. The Pharisees and their followers are against the payment of taxes to Caesar.  The Herodians, on the other hand, are for it.  But it...