We Never Do Enough • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam
Representatives of the people, We respect the magnitude and the difficulty of your task. We are not those who, by the temerity of their accusations, have the misfortune to weaken the last power capable of saving society. You continue, with just slowness, your work, by...The Pope Video • For Political Leaders
“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Political Leaders
The Main Sites to Visit in Rome #famvin2024
The Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family will be held November 14-17, 2024 in Rome, a city with an enormous architectural richness and many places to visit. Our meeting will also offer some time to visit the city. Here are some suggestions.
St. Louise de Marillac: Prayer and Action
A look at Prayer and Action as seen in the life of St. Louise.
The Heavens Tell the Story of God
Deep in her heart, Mary knew the story of creation was more profound than she could imagine. Only at the moment of Mary’s Assumption did she understand creation as she had never dreamed.
Collective Action in the Face of the Climate Crisis: What Indigenous Peoples Teach us
Indigenous peoples, with their communitarian and harmonious vision of life, teach us the importance of the common good and the responsible care of nature, essential to counteract today’s destructive individualistic and consumerist mentality.
Vincentian Spirituality: A Synodal Spirituality #famvin2024
The Vincentian Family, inspired by its missionary charism, seeks to contribute to the synodality promoted by Pope Francis through a renewed commitment to the mission of the Church and a particular attention to the poorest and most needy.
Artificial Intelligence from a Vincentian Perspective: Helping or Hindering Hands?
Our unique Vincentian perspective casts an ethical light on the implementation of AI and suggests means of curbing its excesses where they have the potential to create the most harm by insisting on transparency, justice, care and dignity.
Is It Enough? (John 6:1-15)
A commentator on these readings posed a beguiling question: “how much is enough?”
What the Pope Said About Old Age
In my 80+ years I had never thought of old age itself as a ministry. He hoped we can revitalize the ministry of waiting for the Lord.