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Vincentian Family at the U.N.

Summit of the Future

The WORKING GROUP TO END HOMELESSNESS (WGEH) Statement on the Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future

The Future of the Multilateralism: Insights from the Upcoming Summit

In September 22-23 2024, world leaders will gather in New York for the United Nations’ Summit of the Future, an event intended to revive a multilateral system built for a different era.

SSVP’s Worldwide Involvement: the Challenges of Working With the UN

Today, the SSVP is present in 155 countries. However, this expansion brings with it significant challenges, especially when it comes to working with global organizations such as the United Nations (UN).

Artificial Intelligence from a Vincentian Perspective: Helping or Hindering Hands?

Our unique Vincentian perspective casts an ethical light on the implementation of AI and suggests means of curbing its excesses where they have the potential to create the most harm by insisting on transparency, justice, care and dignity.