.famvin TEAM
Firewood for the Soul: Blessed Frederic Ozanam
A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
Ozanam, the Journalist
Besides practicing charity towards those most in need, Ozanam was a very courageous man in exercising his Christian apostolate through the press and literature.
Living and Serving in Hope
This short essay is inspired by the theme for the 2024 Annual National Formation (ANF) of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Canada, “Serving in Hope.”
Remembering the Meeting of Leaders of the Vincentian Family in Rome, January 2020 #famvin2024
In January 2020, Rome became the epicenter of a historic event for the Vincentian Family: the meeting of leaders from over 100 branches of this family.
Frederic Ozanam’s Vision of Social Justice
The concept of social justice in Catholic thought is deeply rooted in the Church's teachings and tradition. This notion revolves around the idea that all humans have intrinsic dignity and should be treated with fairness, equity, and respect. Social justice concerns...
Michael Acaldo to Helm the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA as Next Chief Executive Officer
After an extensive nationwide search we are proud to announce that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has chosen its next National CEO from our own SVdP USA family.
Revitalizing Our Vincentian Identity: Masters Program in Vincentian Studies 2025
One of the means at our disposal to deepen our Vincentian spirituality and charism is the Master in Vincentian Studies, which has already given good results in the last four years. We are now opening the registration for a new edition, which will be developed in French, English and Spanish.
Vincentian Convocation 2024, September Letter #famvin2024
Fourth letter of invitation to the Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family, to be held November 14-17, 2024 in the historic city of Rome.
Engaged Minds, Busy Hands at “Backpack League” Summer Camp
Creating tie-dye shirts. Math problems incorporating exercise. Interactive storytelling. Robotics. Arts and dance.
Contemplation: From Darkness Into Light
This post originally appeared on ssvpusa.org It is from St. John of the Cross that we get the phrase “dark night of the soul,” which we use to describe a crisis of faith in which we are plagued by doubts about God, our souls, and our church. It is through such dark...