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A Long Loving Look … At Ourselves

Contemplation was something I had difficulty relating to. That is until I first came across the Jesuit Walter Burghardt’s description. “Contemplation is taking a long, loving look at the real.”

A Vincentian View: By God’s Grace

Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has one powerful line that has defined my self-awareness for most of my life.  “By God’s grace, I am what I am.” 

What I Shared With Pope John Paul II

I “knew” it for many years. Who can forget the images of St. John Paul struggling with this progressive disease?

Contemplation: Neighbors, Each to Each

Vincentians serve every individual in need without discrimination, recognizing each person as uniquely loved by God. Guided by faith, they follow Christ’s teaching to love and alleviate suffering, regardless of categories such as religion or nationality.

Fish alongside Our Master, Jesus

Fish alongside Our Master, Jesus

Jesus is the Word of God that bears fruit and carries out all the tasks it receives.  To listen to it means to catch plenty of fish.  Simon who catches fish for a living, shows that he is glad to receive Jesus.  He lets him get into his boat and use it as a pulpit....

Contemplation: Neighbors, Each to Each

Contemplation: Servants All The Way Down

Subsidiarity, a key principle of Catholic Social Doctrine, is central to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, promoting local decision-making and servant leadership where leaders serve rather than command. This approach respects the unique needs of each community, fostering unity through charity, shared purpose, and humble service inspired by the example of Jesus.