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Catechetical Sunday – Getting to know something… or… someone?

In all those years, I never dreamed of connecting Catechetical Sunday with the lyrics of the Broadway musical song “Getting to know you.”

AUSCP Annual Meeting 2024

The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests had its annual gathering June 24-27 in Lexington, Kentucky.

A Vincentian View: Who Do You Say That I Am

Jesus gathers his disciples and asks them an important question “Who do people say that I am?” 

United With or Against Our Enemies?

On 9/11 we immediately think of the pain and suffering, the injustice of the attacks. This leads to a defensive stance united against our enemies.

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed.  And we proclaim this, of course, one with Peter and all the Church. Peter gets to proclaim that Jesus is the Christ.  And the latter tells his disciples right away to speak about it to no one.  He then teaches them that...