John Freund, CM
Courtrooms or Banquet Halls?
If I asked you, I suspect most, without having any further details, would say they would rather be in a banquet setting than a court of law.
To the English-speaking Churches On Earth
Paul, called to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, to the Church of God that is in Corinth, to you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy.
Have We Reimagined Labor Day?
Regardless of how you imagine Labor Day many, weather permitting, will enjoy outdoor BBQs. This in turn reminds us of the struggle get the fire started… and it keep it going.
Is Jesus an Obnoxious Guest?
Just imagine! You spent a lot of time, money, and energy in preparing a dinner party… perhaps a wedding or a birthday.
Pope Francis – He Won’t Stop!
Pope Francis just keeps on going… well beyond what most consider normal for a man of his age and physical conditions.
Are fires a blessing or a curse?
The fires that happen around the world now are unlike the fires of 1992, 1972 or 1952. Fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before,
Frogs, Canaries and Pope Francis
We have often heard the stories of the lessons we can learn from frogs and canaries. Now they can help us understand why Pope Francis invited us to join a month-long celebration with the world’s 2.2 billion Christians.
Finally, Mary Knows
In this Vincentian Mindwalk, I invite you think about the questions, add your own, and, finally, think about what we might learn from the questions.
The Heavens Tell the Story of God
Deep in her heart, Mary knew the story of creation was more profound than she could imagine. Only at the moment of Mary’s Assumption did she understand creation as she had never dreamed.
What the Pope Said About Old Age
In my 80+ years I had never thought of old age itself as a ministry. He hoped we can revitalize the ministry of waiting for the Lord.