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Formation: Year of Vincentian Collaboration

Open reflections in the Year of Vincentian Collaboration (3)

3. Vincentian cooperation in the administration of goods ... In the society and in the streets, there is this implicit or explicit idea that the Church and its religious congregations and institutions are more concerned about maintaining and managing theirs assets...

Are You Being Truly Collaborative? #IamVincent

If you want to say "IamVincent," you have to be collaborative. There's no other way. In an article on leadership at the Training Industry blog, we read, The word “collaboration” is thrown around a lot these days. What do organizations mean when they tell their leaders...

Vincentian Family: Lebanon

Beginnings August 21, 2013 – Convened by Father Ziad HADDAD CM, Visitor of the Congregation of the Mission in the Middle East, the leaders of the various branches of the Vincentian Family in Lebanon had their first meeting as one Vincentian Family. The meeting took...

Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M.: Message for Pentecost and #famvin400

The Vincentian Family Office shares this video message for Pentecost as we celebrate the year of collaboration and as we prepare for our anniversary as a Vincentian Family.