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Vincentian Family

September, Vincentian Month Par Excellence

The month of September is an invitation to reflect on the Vincentian charism, which focuses on the constant search for God in the poor and the transformation of society through solidarity and service.

The Future of the Multilateralism: Insights from the Upcoming Summit

In September 22-23 2024, world leaders will gather in New York for the United Nations’ Summit of the Future, an event intended to revive a multilateral system built for a different era.

SSVP’s Worldwide Involvement: the Challenges of Working With the UN

Today, the SSVP is present in 155 countries. However, this expansion brings with it significant challenges, especially when it comes to working with global organizations such as the United Nations (UN).

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul: History and Mission #famvin2024

Founded in 1833 in Paris by university students, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a global Catholic organization that aids the needy and promotes social justice in over 150 countries.

The Latin American Vincentian Confraternities #famvin2024

The Latin American Vincentian Confraternities #famvin2024

The Vincentian Confraternities are a dream of the Latin American Vincentian Family (FAVILA), turned into a beautiful reality, making the legacy St. Vincent de Paul began in 1617, when he founded the first Confraternity of Charity, dedicated to helping the most needy, the sick, the poor and the marginalized in Châtillon-les-Dombes, France, continues to be alive and active today, meeting the needs of Latin Americans.