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Vincentian Family Blesseds

On October 7, we Celebrate the Feast of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo, a Member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Giuseppe Toniolo was an economist, sociologist, and devout Catholic who played a crucial role in shaping the Church’s Social Doctrine, leaving a profound mark on Catholic social movements in Italy and Europe during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.

October 7: Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo (SSVP)

October 7 is the feast day of Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo, member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Celebrating Blessed Frederic Ozanam (video)

The following video about Blessed Frederic Ozanam was posted by the Catholic Faith Network in their series “Celebrating the Saints”.

September 2: Vincentian Martyrs of the French Revolution

Blessed Louis-Joseph François, C.M., one of five blessed C.M. martyrs of the French Revolution, was a zealous defender of the Catholic Church.