Vincentian Family at the U.N.

The Looming Debt Crisis

2018 is the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis. Though the economy is robust at the moment, global leaders should heed the warning issued by the International Monetary Fund on the “bumpy road ahead” and take immediate steps to prevent another financial...

People’s University Highlights Dignity of Persons Affected by Homelessness

Can you imagine just one day, When you can wake well rested, Make your coffee and breakfast, Get ready to enter the world in a visible way, Camouflaging yourself Fitting right in and Knowing for just one day There’s an equal chance You to(o) may win All your losses...

Plastic – A Day of Trying to Break Dependence

I’m a prisoner to plastic. It’s hard to admit. My brain is plastered with multiple social media images of “plastic soup.” It lingers there like Muzak—constantly in the background but without my paying it much attention.  But recently, the time came to examine my own...

Called to Love: Policy and Advocacy

Charity is not charity unless accompanied by justice. --St. Vincent de Paul Seeking lasting justice and peace in our world are goals of the United Nations and the Church.  The good that can result from their shared efforts is evident in this month of Mary, Queen...

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