Vincentian Family at the U.N.

Marcello, One Of The Millions Of Homeless We See Each Day

For every Marcello there are many thousands more we haven’t met still sleeping on the streets. We’re advocates for all who are waiting for a place to call home.

Security Council Debate: International Cooperation, Upholding UN Charter Vital

At the United Nations, civil society recently focused on one specific means of warfare—lethal autonomous weapons (LAWS), also known as fully autonomous weapons or, more commonly, “killer robots.” 

Shape the Future of the United Nations!

On January 2, Natalie Boon introduced you to the global survey/conversation that will take place for your participation. Here is a follow up to that article.

Looking Ahead to 2020 and Launch of UN75

To mark its 75th anniversary in 2020, the United Nations will launch the biggest-ever global conversation on the role of global cooperation in building the future.