Vincentian Family at the U.N.

Sustainable Development Goals, 5 and 6

SDG5: GENDER EQUALITY In one of their songs, the Eagles rock group sings “things in this life change very slowly if they ever change at all.” The lament of many a social activist! To be fair, one exception would be gay marriage rights, which seem to have come more...

Women in Decision-Making: Faith Perspective

The roles of women and girls cannot be over-emphasized. Women CAN and DO make tremendous difference in the Society when given the opportunity.

Join the Vincentian Family on April 6 for U.N. #Youth2030 Event

During the UN's 10th Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, which marks the start of "A Decade of Action: Building a Resilient Recovery," the five ECOSOC NGO's comprising the Vincentian Family at the UN will host an event: “HOMES FIRST: STRATEGIES TO PROMOTE YOUTH...

Oxen and Cell Phones

Cell phones, once a luxury, are now almost a necessity.  For the impoverished, especially in rural areas, they can make all the difference for one’s life and health.