Systemic change

No Easy Answers #IamVincent

People are always looking for the easiest answers to poverty. There are no easy answers. Practitioners of systemic change know this. They know that poverty is a complex problem. There was an critique of one of those "easy answers" published earlier this summer. The...

Needed Not Needy: A systemic change in perception

Why Changing The World’s Perception Is Critical To How We Tackle Poverty

How Hard is it to Make a Telephone Call?

What holds us back from lifting the phone and speaking for those who do not know how to negotiate our system?

A Call to Collective Impact and Thorough Formation #famvin400

Systemic change has got a "big sister" called collective impact. You've read about it often on .famvin. And formation -- history and spirituality -- well, you know, it's just our thing! The Vincentian Family at Rome was privileged to hear Vincentian Fr. Dennis...

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