Systemic change

The Foundation Story for Vincentian Systemic Change

The story of the sermon at Châtillon is not only the foundation story of the Ladies of Charity, it is the foundation for what we call today systemic change.

Vincent Showed Us… With Help from Women

Vincent showed us how to change systems St. Vincent showed us how to do systemic change… but he did not leave a formal manual or even call it "systemic change." Vincent was not what would today be called a "systems thinker.” Vincent was what I call a “systems doer.”...

Does Any Of This Fit You?

Do any of the following characteristics fit you? You might be surprised by what it says about you.

Connecting Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change

At first glance, it may seem like quite a stretch to connect Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change. But hear me out. Actually, it is not that hard.

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