Society of St. Vincent de Paul

SSVP General Council Organizes in Madrid Workshops on Special Projects and Formation & Training

On November 2 and 3, the Council General International of the SSVP is organizing workshops for the territorial delegates responsible for two strategic areas: Special Projects and Formation & Training. The event will take place at the La Salle Arlep Center, in...

SSVP is celebrating the 15th Aniversary of the Rule and Confederation

On October 18th, 2003, in Rome, an assembly of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul was held where the network of charity that Federico dreamt of became an international confederation, with a modern rule that we must know, care for, love and follow.   Until the year...

Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Philippines

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the Philippines is a very active branch of the Society, full of energy and zeal. Learn about their work in this video.

Sheltering the Homeless in Louisiana

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul shelters women and children who are homeless in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.