Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Voice of the Poor – Ontario

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ontario Voice of the Poor Advocacy Committee wrote a letter to the Ontario Minister of Finance.

St. Vincent dePaul Society and Irish elections

Just as in Australia and the USA serve the voiceless in elections, so also  the St. Vincent dePaul Society speaks out regarding Irish elections. This year’s General Election, 100 years since the Rising, is a decisive opportunity to realise a fair, inclusive and...

Grow your own program with those in poverty

West Virginia Conference allows people in need to Grow your own The saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The St. Louise de Marillac Conference, also known as the Conference of Southern West...

Saint Vincent de Paul in helping the poor save taxpayers ‎£11million per year

Research, by economists Oxera, shows that the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is helping taxpayers save ‎£11million per year, and found that the visits made to the isolated and lonely by the Saint Vincent de Paul volunteers, helped improve their mental health, helped...

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