
“Insiders” With Closed Minds; “Outsiders” Who Were Open

I don’t think I can ever again read Luke’s account of Jesus’ rejection in his hometown (4:21-30) without thinking of Pope Francis’ homily.

A Vincentian View: Reconciliation and Renewal

When I celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation with people, my emphasis does not solely embrace God’s forgiveness of our sins of the past, but promotes God’s grace to live a better future.

I Never Knew I Missed the Point!

Have you ever been in a conversation where someone missed your point? I certainly have.  Also, more times than I care to admit, I have been the one who missed the point.

Go around Towns and Villages as God Wants

Jesus has come so he may go around towns and villages and preach by words and by works, and as the Father shows him in prayer, the Good News.  Before he makes up his mind to go around all of Galilee, Jesus goes off alone to a forlorn place to pray.  He does so before...
Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks the good of the sheep.  He is not like those who steal, slaughter and destroy as they seek their own good. Jesus has compassion for the crowds, for they are troubled and abandoned like sheep that have no shepherd.  A circumstance, then,...