
A Transforming Surprise – Encounter With Jesus

Jesus’ disciples experienced a transforming surprise. They became aware of being loved. That encounter opened their eyes …  and they ran to tell others about it!

Contemplation: Not to Be Forgotten – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on There are thousands of agencies, organizations, and individuals who offer assistance to the poor. In our Conferences we often get to know them and refer neighbors to them when it seems they may be better able to provide for...

Adore the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus shows us how to adore the Father in Spirit and truth. To learn from him, then, means to keep the true religion.  At Sinai, God tells the Israelites that they are not to adore other gods. Yet they later adore a molten calf. And they hail it as Israel’s god that...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 45

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Reach by Grace the Unreachable Star

Reach by Grace the Unreachable Star

Jesus is not of the world.  Nor are his true disciples.  They get to reach what we who are humans find hard to reach. There is no doubt that the way Jesus teaches is not the same as others’ way.  For he teaches with authority, not as the scribe.  Also, there is such a...

Live with a Higher Purpose

Live with a Higher Purpose

There is a beautiful story which tells us about the importance living with a sense of higher purpose in our daily life. Once a man was passing by a construction site. The workers were busy with their different kinds works. He was curious to know what they were doing....

How Did America Get So Mean?

How Did America Get So Mean?

Noted columnist David Brooks caught my attention! In a September 2023 reflection in the Atlantic Monthly (Subscription required), he wrote Over the past eight years or so, I’ve been obsessed with two questions.  The first is: Why have Americans become so sad? … My second, related question is: Why have Americans become so mean?