
In This Together (Joshua 24; John 6)

Our believing is not solitary. The quality of one person’s faith spills over into the religious convictions of all the others.

Why Did Jesus Ask So Many Questions?

Jesus’ communication style focused on two things:  He told great stories and asked great questions!

Fresh Start in Life for Us Men and Women

Jesus shows us the new that one has yet to see or hear or think of.  To be his disciples, we have to make a fresh start. The Pharisees and scribes ask Jesus why his disciples do not follow the tradition of the elders.  It is because the disciples eat with hands that...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? VIII

Vincent grasped and was grasped by the pure generosity that is sending the Word to the poor, the Sending to which Jesus gives flesh.

A Canadian View: Homelessness, Part One

A Canadian View: Homelessness, Part One

I could not let Father Freund’s article of December 30, 2017 regarding homelessness pass without adding my perspective. I agree with Father Freund about how many of us have likely stopped to drop some change in the hand of a homeless person on the street. I have done...

Love and Compassion

Love and Compassion

I recently read a quote that struck me, “Love is choosing to serve someone and be with someone in spite of there [imperfections]. ” My time at Epiphany has been both challenging and rewarding; each day I am reminded of the power and beauty of love and compassion. The...