
Solidarity – in Life, Death, and New Life (Mark 14:1-15:47)

A remark I once overheard: “I don’t mind suffering when nobody knows about it – as long as somebody knows about it!”

Doubting Thomas – the Fact-checker

’Doubting Thomas’ gets bad press. But in today’s post-truth world, full of fake news and disinformation, there is much we can learn from him”, says Rev. Peter Crumpler.

Contemplation: To You Alone – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on To offer the benefit of the doubt is to assume the best of somebody even when you are uncertain of the truth. Is this not what we are called to do in our encounters with the neighbor? Thomas, we are told in John’s gospel,...

Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah, Good Shepherd

Jesus is Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah.  Yet he lords over no one; he serves and is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. A ruler among Jesus’ own should not at all be like a ruler among the Gentiles. The latter lords it over others. The former, on...
Vincent As a Seeker

Vincent As a Seeker

Some time ago, I offered a reflection on “The Magi School For Seekers.” It was based on a homily Pope Francis gave, presenting the Magi as showing the path for modern-day “seekers.”

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Jesus is the bread of life.  Those whose life is full of him have their fill.  To go to him and to believe in him is to hunger and thirst no more. To fill their life with Jesus Christ is one of the things that missionaries are to remember (SV.EN:276). And all those,...