
Lenten Video Series, Day 25: Impossible Joy

Recorded just days before he was ordained a Priest, Deacon Volodymyr Radko sat down with us to talk about the sacrifices that come with the process of discernment.

A Vincentian View: Separation from the Father

A host of lessons arises within the story of the Prodigal Son.  It continues to challenge and suggest as we reflect and recognize ourselves in the text.

What Is Your Dream Today?

“Stop that day-dreaming!” I suspect that each of us heard those words at least once in our childhood. Often it would be followed up with. “There’s work to do!”

Lenten Video Series, Day 24: Receiving Jesus

When dealing with infertility, Amy turned her sacrifice into joy by listening to where God wanted her to go.

Serve God Alone and Not Money

Serve God Alone and Not Money

Jesus shows us the way to serve God absolutely and not money ever. Do we Christians, and Vincentians besides, really learn from him? Jesus does not love money. He is not all like those who sneer at him on hearing him say, “You cannot serve both God and wealth.”...