
Contemplation: A Culture of Welcome – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on Many of our Conferences struggle with finding – and keeping – new members. Often, when this happens, we begin to tell ourselves that perhaps we are asking too much of potential members; scaring them off with the notion of...

Hand over the Body and Shed the Blood

Jesus gives us the greatest proof of love one can give. For he deigns to hand over his body and shed his blood out of love for us.  I can give away all I own to help the poor or even hand over my body to burn. Still, this does not always mean I love; I could do it for...

Firewood for the Soul: Who Do You Say I Am?

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

The Small Pleasures of Life • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

I do not like and do not share in any way the rigorist doctrines of some Christians, who, without even realizing it, have clothed themselves in arrogance and false modesty; they are far from the true spirit of faith. The innocent joys of life were never forbidden....
Go around Towns and Villages as God Wants

Go around Towns and Villages as God Wants

Jesus has come so he may go around towns and villages and preach by words and by works, and as the Father shows him in prayer, the Good News.  Before he makes up his mind to go around all of Galilee, Jesus goes off alone to a forlorn place to pray.  He does so before...