
Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXX

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.

When Justice and Peace Shall Kiss

Given that adequate housing is an issue of social justice, it might be helpful to look at the concept of justice in light of the need for a home for all.

The Empty Tomb: Seeking the Resurrected Christ with Mary Magdalene and Elizabeth Ann Seton

With St. Mary Magdalene, let us accept Christ’s ‘Do not touch me’ with the certainty that His words give us a new mission, and a new way to be with Him, just as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton met the hardships of her life with renewed faith and strength.

Mary’s Experience of Her Son’s Resurrection

“How was your Easter?” How many times have you said that recently? Usually, it leads to a lively conversation about family gatherings, etc.

Out of Cycle, the Usual, the Customary

Out of Cycle, the Usual, the Customary

In the person of Jesus is revealed that God’s love prevails in the end (Advent 2002). Christians, then, cannot but break out of the cycle of hopelessness. For those who have a cyclical view of time, events simply come back. Nothing new comes out of the cycle. No new...