
Lyrics That Lead to Prayer

“Life is not tried, it is merely survived, if you’re standing outside the fire.” When country singer Garth Brooks wrote those lyrics in 1993, I wonder if he thought it might lead to prayer.

Naming God (Exodus 34: 8-9; John 3:16)

Two people are in a conversation, asking how they feel about each other. After much back and forth, one says to the other, “How would you name that feeling?”

The NATO approach to Corpus Christi

I never realized how often Jesus reminded his followers to move beyond talk to action.

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks the good of the sheep.  He is not like those who steal, slaughter and destroy as they seek their own good. Jesus has compassion for the crowds, for they are troubled and abandoned like sheep that have no shepherd.  A circumstance, then,...
Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Jesus is the fullness of God’s visits to us humans to save us.  The visits we pay to our neighbor should be like Jesus’. Mary is besides herself after the angel Gabriel’s visit.  That is to say, she cannot keep her joy to herself.  So, she goes in haste, since she has...

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Rejoice in the Lord, for He is Near

Jesus is near.  He will rule the world and all peoples with justice.  Hence, those who wait for him, and seek his kingdom, rejoice. The prophet Zephaniah bids those whom God has chosen to rejoice and sing with joy.  For the Lord who fights for them and frees them is...