
Kenya Awards a Daughter of Charity who Feeds Street Children During the Pandemic

The government of Kenya presented an award to Sister Winnie Mutuku, DC for her work that involved providing food to street children during the emergency created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Non-Profit Home Care Agency Launches Befriending Service For Lonely Elderly

VCP was awarded a grant which will go towards providing vulnerable elderly people in greatest need with additional hours of care and companionship.

Two More Days: Join with the Vincentian Family for a Time of Prayer: July 12

We invite all members of the Vincentian Family, both lay and consecrated, and also collaborators and all who are in solidarity with the charism of Saint Vincent de Paul to a moment of prayer to be held on Facebook Live.

Remember: on July 12th You Are Invited to Pray with the Worldwide Vincentian Family

In a few days, through Facebook Live, many Vincentians will meet online to pray for the needs of the men and women of today’s world (especially those individuals who are poor).

Invisible Threads

Invisible Threads

Invisible threads weave the rich tapestry of SSVP. Different people from different places are connected by invisible threads in a world-wide network of charity. Click the video below and enjoy a short animated film produced by the international General Council of SVP,...