
Solidarity extended to Lebanon: thank you!

AIC-Lebanon sends its warmest thanks to all those people who generously sent donations after the explosion that devastated Beirut on August 4th.

Changes to the formation sessions for the year 2021 at the International Formation Center

Due to COVID-19, we have to cancel the I Encounter of CM Bishops and the V Encounter for the Vincentian Family.

The Council General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Launches the International Competition for Writings on Jules Devaux

As a way of promoting further the “International Year on the Theme of Jules Devaux,” the Council General of the SSVP hereby opens the International Literary Competition on “The First Conference.”

Interview with Sister Cristina, DC

Interview with Sr. Cristina, coordinator of The Charity of Saint Louise – Charité, a day center for homeless persons in Turin.

New VinFormation Site is Live!

New VinFormation Site is Live!

Take some time and check out our newly renovated VinFormation site! Now also available in Spanish En español: VinFormación Presentations, Videos, Timelines, Prayers, Quotes, Images... the resources are never-ending and are available to you with the click of a link....