
Helping Families Rebuild

Dan Stockman, with the Global Sisters Report, shares about how the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth and volunteers continue to help families in Western Kentucky rebuild months after devastating storms. 

Famvin International Conference on refugees, displaced persons and trafficked individuals

Seville was the city that hosted from June 7-9, the second FHA International Conference entitled, “Accompanying the journey of a refugee.”

Watch our volunteer cyclists in action helping in Ukraine

We are receiving funding from the Disaster and Emergency Committee’s (DEC) very successful Ukraine appeal. The DEC has produced a short video documenting the work of DePaul's amazing volunteer cyclists. Our volunteers used to deliver food for companies like Uber, now...

The Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent de Paul Celebrates its XLIII General Assembly

Theme: Revitalizing our identity at the beginning of the 5th century of the Congregation of the Mission. During the Assembly the Leadership Team of the Congregation will be elected. The celebration of the Eucharist on Monday, June 27th, 2022, which will be presided by...