
The Council General of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul holds “All Africa” Assembly in Nairobi

We ask for your prayers for success of this meeting, and may the Good Lord bless the “All Africa” Assembly.

Tireless work of the Vincentian Family and donation from French benefactors helped families affected by the rains in the mountain region of Rio

Gradually, life goes back to normal. After three months of the rains that devastated the mountain region of Petrópolis, students have already returned to class and a great network was formed to help their families and school employees to recover from the damage they suffered.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 8

The session was dedicated to the study of the various Postulata which had been presented to the Assembly.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 7

The delegates met in linguistic groups and dialogued about the following question: In the context of this General Assembly which seeks to establish priorities for the next six years, what are these dreams of the younger confreres telling us?

Building 75 Homes in India

Building 75 Homes in India

As we look at our world, we know we must continue to exist for the people for whom Jesus existed and for those he served in his day: the outcasts, the women, the sinners, and those living on the edges of society.