
Does Laudato Si matter to you?

Was Laudato Si a "blip" or a "game changer"? An important question, no doubt. But a more important question for us is, does Laudato Si matter to you...and the Vincentian Family? Someone recently said of the Church “We’re collectively the largest global humanitarian...

Pope Francis’ calls to aid Syrian families: A Vincentian Family Response

Pope Francis is urging Catholics to aid those who are suffering in Syria due to the ongoing conflict in the country, both in prayer and by taking in refugee families. Last Wednesday, June 1 (International Children's Day), Pope Francis called on Catholics and Orthodox...

Francis models pastoral care of the homeless

Pope Francis not only raises consciousness about those who are homeless but in so many ways models comprehensive pastoral care of the homeless. After reading the following what questions does it raise for Vincentian Family ministries with the homeless. The Pope’s...

The Vincentian Family and parish renewals in Brazil

Parish renewals in Brazil involve the Vincentian Family. "Popular Missions"- in language that dates back to the early days of the Congregation of the Mission - refers to what we would call today parish missions. Eli Chaves Dos Santos, CM, Assistant General, describes...

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