Justice and Peace

Ladies of Charity speaking up in Washington

The Ladies of Charity USA joined with over 500 Catholic leaders to speak out as lobbyist on behalf of those among us who are considered the least.

Ladies of Charity USA to meet in New Orleans

It is often said that Vincent believed we should mix the useful and the agreeable. So join the Ladies in New Orleans for their 2015 Assembly in New Orleans

Exploring Contemporary Implications – Vincentian-Setonian Heritage

Exploring Contemporary Implications – Vincentian-Setonian Heritage

Global Catholic Climate Movement Fast

Global Catholic Climate Movement Fast

Patrick: A Prophet for Global Justice

Aidan Rooney CM draws attention to this insightful blog post about the real St. Patrick. St. Patrick is one of a handful of Christian saints, along with Mary, Valentine and Francis, that is celebrated in popular culture. His feast day is commemorated with supermarket...

Thrown in jail for being poor

Thrown in jail for being poor

Unfortunately such reports are becoming more and more common. "Thrown in jail for being poor: the booming for-profit probation industry"  "Many poor Americans face jail when they can’t pay steep fines for nonviolent crimes, like $1,000 for stealing a $2 beer. So...

An app for Catholic social teaching

An app for Catholic social teaching

 A new iPhone and iPad application from a Washington, D.C., think tank aims to spread Catholic social teaching through Church documents, news and commentary. So writes the Catholic New Agency. The Ethics and Public Policy Center said its free app is “a great resource...