Spirituality and Spiritual Practice

Resources for Feast of St. Elizabeth January 4

January 4: Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton In 1809 Elizabeth Ann Seton established the first congregation of religious Sisters to be founded in the United States. They were dedicated to the care and education of the children of the poor. This was their connection...

Vincentians of Wherever: Leaders

One of my Vincentian friends sent me a link to an organizational development slideshare presentation about leaders and leadership that reminded me of work being done by Vincentians at DePaul University as part of Vincent on Leadership: the Hay Project. (You can view...

God’s dreams for us

In "God's dreams for us" Fr. Tom McKenna reflects on a God who wants us to flourish. Advent is a season of dreams: the peaceable Kingdom, exiles coming back home, the web of death pierced through, crooked roads made straight. These are images of Yahweh’s end time that...

Joy Cometh in the Morning!

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Speaking of joy, wellness consultant Meg Landis wrote: Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from a spiritual perspective. With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today...

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