
Sacramental Speaking and Listening (Ezekiel, 33; Matthew, 18)

A question often on the lips of a believer: where and how is God present in my life?

How Blend Systemic Change and a “Culture of Encounter”?

How do offer I friendship, provide holistic service, and serve as advocates for those who are poor?

Seventy Times Seven: to Live Is to Forgive

Jesus fulfills the law and the prophets.  That is why he corrects Peter and says that we have to forgive seventy times seven. We say, “Three strikes and you are out,” though we hear, too, “One is enough, two is too much.”  So, seven is not a mean thing.  If it seems...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Frederic Ozanam and Concern for Workers

The juxtaposition of Labor Day (9/7) and the feast of Blessed Frederic (9/8) can give us much to pray about.

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