
Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 25

Lenten Series of reflections taken from the Conferences of the Rev. Lacordaire.

Which are you? A “Whack-a-mole” or “Big picture” Person?

It occurs to me that there are two approaches to problem-solving. – “Whack-a-mole” and “Big Picture.”

Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 24

Lenten Series of reflections taken from the Conferences of the Rev. Lacordaire.

 A Closer Walk (John 2:13-25)

Early in St. John’s gospel, we see Jesus resolutely striding into the outer courtyard of the Jerusalem Temple, a space bordering on what the Jewish people acknowledged to be God’s own Dwelling place.

Look ahead to the Lord’s Joy and Taste It

Look ahead to the Lord’s Joy and Taste It

Jesus will come back in glory to take to heaven those who are his own.  They love like him as they look ahead to his coming.  They thus get a taste of heaven’s joy.  We have to look ahead to our Savior Jesus Christ’s coming back in glory. The liturgy we hold today...