
Saint John Gabriel Perboyre: formative years

See a presentation that shows how Saint John Gabriel Perboyre was formed and influenced by his family and the people around him, and take a video tour of Perboyre’s birthplace in France, featuring interviews with the descendants of his family.

Is Afghanistan A Place Far Away?

Did a question ever lead you to think more deeply? Frederic Ozanam did … and sought help to understand it at a deeper level.

“The Sacred Humanity of the Word” … reflection by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell

A reflection offered by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell, CM, on the Incarnate Word.

Sustainable Development Goal 17:  Partnerships for the Goals

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

A Vincentian View: Creation

A Vincentian View: Creation

A Vincentian View: Creation In the past week, several events have been in the news which come together in my thinking around the theme of creation. The first is the announcement by scientists that they have discovered potentially habitable earth-like planets within a...

Name that Is above Every Other Name

Name that Is above Every Other Name

Christ is the reason why his followers bear the name of Christians.  They are other Christs, then, anointed to announce repentance and the kingdom of God. Jesus assures those who gather in his name and pray together that they will receive what they ask.  And it will...

Celebrate the Kingdom

Celebrate the Kingdom

I Am a Sinner – Celebrate the Kingdom – God’s Plan for Us... Such are the topics for Lynn L'Heureux's weekly reflection Dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters. Pray always for Peace and remember to also pray for your enemy. God will heal their hearts and change their...