
Mother Deafness – It’s Real!

Mothers might have saved Stanford University a lot of money. Most mothers already know instinctively when “mother deafness” manifests itself in their teenagers.

Reflecting on Haiti: A Vincentian Perspective on Justice and Agency

In Haiti, the echoes of gunfire are as common as the cries for help. The Caribbean nation, marked by a history of upheaval and disaster, now faces an era dominated by gang violence and political instability.

St. Louise de Marillac: a committed woman (Part 5 of 5)

Louise de Marillac, awakened by her faith in a God who takes the side of the poor, sees the person in distress and takes action.

A Vincentian View: A Time for Retreat

One of the Pilgrimage Festivals of Judaism is Shavuot.  It translates into English as “weeks’ and thus is sometimes called the “Feast of Weeks” as it marks the seven weeks (the “week of weeks”) between Passover and the feast. In Greek (and English), the translation...