
The God Minute: Song About Gratitude

Music video about an attitude that Jesus himself modeled time and time again and St. Paul said was the key to heaven: Gratitude.

The Privilege of Serving the Poor • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

Those who have the privilege of distributing the public help [...] go, for instance, to the twelfth arrondissement, one of the strongholds of the insurrection, and out of about ninety thousand inhabitants they find eight thousand families inscribed on the list of the...

Announcing the Good News of Salvation in the Footsteps of Saint Vincent

This presentation, based on a talk by Fr. Emeric Amyot d’Inville, C.M., was addressed to the Congregation of the Mission but could be applicable to any branch of the Vincentian Family involved in teaching and sharing our faith.

Re-evaluating Your Childhood Beliefs

I would be surprised if you haven’t re-evaluated some of your childhood beliefs.