
Jesús David Coronel: My Vocational Experience

My name is Jesús David Coronel, I am originally from Cuautla Morelos Mexico. My vocational process was permeated with different events that followed my response

Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: The Bread of the Eucharist and the Bread of the Poor

It was noticed by some of his friends that, after the general Communion at Notre Dame on Holy Thursday, Ozanam, instead of going straight home to his breakfast, disappeared in another direction. They watched him and found that he went first to the baker's and then to...

On Doves and Serpents • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"In actual practice this virtue is about choosing the right way to do things. We should make it a sacred principle, then, admitting of no exceptions, that since we are working for God we will always choose God-related ways for carrying out our work, and see and judge...

Places of St. Vincent

Fr. Bruce Krause, C.M. prepared these PowerPoint slides of special places in the life of St. Vincent de Paul.

Backpack Blessings

Backpack Blessings

Beyond SundayTM team members from The Miraculous Medal Shrine are available to visit Catholic schools to distribute Miraculous Medals, tell the story of the Miraculous Medal, and provide blessings for students, staff, and faculty.

Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Jesus is the help that comes from above.  He is at once the unflagging prayer for the poor and the saving answer to their cries. Jesus tells his disciples the parable of the widow and the judge.  He wants to teach them how they should pray to the one who hears the...