
A Vincentian Minute: Praying with Vincent About Obedience, Part 2

Fr. Rooney reveals the way Vincent prayed, through Vincent’s own words. This week: more on obedience.

The Link Between Global Homelessness and Poor Mental Health

Mental health conditions can lead to homelessness and can also prevent those experiencing homelessness from getting back on their feet.

Lastly… Simplicity! • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"I’m well aware that people think of simplicity in general as truth or purity of intention: truth, because it sees that our thoughts conform to the words and other signs by which we express them; purity of intention, because it makes all our acts of virtue tend...

Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: Almsgiving that Humiliates or Honors

Frédéric thought that aid, almsgiving, is humiliating when only material needs are met, "causing shame, and doing what anyone does even with animals." He says it's humiliating because it can not be reciprocated, they are favors that the other has not the slightest...
Justify Those Who Are Not Wholly Just

Justify Those Who Are Not Wholly Just

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  This name makes known that the one who alone is holy is with us who are not holy; he wants to justify us. The angel of Joseph’s dream seems to justify Mary, to show her not guilty, to say that she has been true to him.  But there are those who...